Designer & Artist
Marie-Laurence Daigle is a designer and artist born in Montreal and living in Raleigh, NC. She received her BFA from Pratt Institute School of Art and Design in 2018. She does not feel like she belongs to just one medium — she creates her artwork across different platforms of art, including graphic design, packaging, paintings, printmaking, murals, and ceramics. Since graduating she has been working full-time in the packaging design industry, in her free time she spent working hands-on in her studio making personal, contemporary abstract visual art pieces.
Marie-Laurence Daigle est une artiste designer née à Montréal vivant à Raleigh, NC. Elle a obtenu son baccalauréat de Pratt Institute School of Art and Design en 2018. Elle n'a pas l'impression d'appartenir à un seul médium, elle crée ses œuvres sur différentes plates-formes d'art, y compris le design graphique, l'emballage, les peintures, la gravure, les peintures murales ainsi que la céramique. Depuis l'obtention de son diplôme, elle travaille à plein temps dans l'industrie du design d'emballage mais pendant son temps libre, elle travaille avec ses mains dans son studio à créer des œuvres d'art visuel personnelles.
2021 - Current Packaging Designer
Design Bridge, Manhattan, New York
2018 - 2021 Junior Packaging Designer
ForceMAJEURE, Brooklyn, New York
2018 - 2020 Freelance Muralist & Designer
Paint The Town, Brooklyn, New York
2014 - 2018 BFA in Communications Design
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
2017 Internship Packaging Designer
CBX, New York
2015 & 2016 Internship Graphic Designer
MRC Raleigh, Raleigh, NC
Pac Global Award
Adobe Design Achievement
Graphic Design USA
Packaging of the World
Adobe Creative Suite
Graphic Design
Branding & Identity
Social Media
Digital Marketing
After Effects
Screen Printing